
Our History
Founded in 2003 as a medical and health care training and services company, using the bio-resonance therapy method. After having explored the aspects and marketed certain types of devices, and not being satisfied with the available scientific methods in regard to this subject, the collaborators searched for a company that had medical biophysics know How, identifying Medithera as the authoritative interlocutor in 2004, the absolute reference point for this technology, the holder of patents filed in this regard. On this basis of absolute clarity and competences consistency, a project was commenced for the distribution of Medithera devices, but not just the equipment, the activities also concerned the philosophy that supports Medithera and the application of Biophysics medical care.
In 2004, in collaboration with the German parent company, it started its first business activities, with specialised courses for doctors and health care professionals. The collaboration of professionals involved in this scientific direction allowed a steady increase in know-how and improvement of the devices and the relevant application possibilities, slowly becoming an authoritative reference point even for Medithera.
Since 2005, in addition to international studies promoted by the company, and in collaboration with Medithera, Consform decided to initiate spontaneous multicentre studies in Italy, in Universities and private clinics. The result was an interest of the parties concerned in increasing their knowledge of Medicine Biophysics. The results obtained with the implemented procedures has continuously stimulated Consform to gain new insights and launch new challenges, to develop a package of clinical trials that are constantly renewed. In 2008, ConsForm has initiated a growing pool of trained doctors with years of specific experience in this area, which resulted in the establishment of our Scientific Committee.
All the results of international and Italian clinical and scientific studies were reported on and discussed at the biennial International Congress of Medical Biophysics in Italy